Graphic design by Noah Holtegaard.

Buens Bogcafé, Aalborg, DK. September 2023
Body Tongues II: Trans Rage
A separatist workshop for trans people on rage
Through conversation, collective reading, writing exercises and body movement, this workshop aims to create a space for investigating rage from a trans perspective. Using both the personal experiences of the group as well as writings by Susan Stryker and others as a starting point, we ask if rage is foundational to being trans? We investigate rage as both a suppressed and privileged affect. How may we nurture, move, and build action from it?
The workshop is a separatist space for anyone and everyone who identifies as trans. No prior knowledge of the subject is required. The workshop is split across two days; we advise participating in both.The workshop is in English.
Saturday 30/9 1-4pm Buens Bogcafe, Maren Turis Gade 12, st, 9000 Aalborg
Sunday 1/10 1-4pm Huset i Hasserisgade, Hasserisgade 10, 9000 Aalborg
Sall Lam Toro (they/them) (1990, PT) is an antidisciplinary multimedia performance artist based in Copenhagen. Their work evokes inter-relational decolonial, ecoerotic, cosmic and embodied manifestos that confront what they call “the hijacked body”. The hijacked body arises from the illusion of separability, and Toro often works with strategies to devise artistic interventions to unwrite and disrupt this body collectively. Through ritual, glitches, failure, dialogues with ecoerotic companions, text, resonance and e-motion, Toro develops poetic multitudes of body and radical imagination within anticapitalist, anarchist, and collective liberation modes.
Eli Ståhl is a raging trans person. They have an interest in separatism as a strategy for organising, and have previously facilitated separatist study groups for trans people. They hold MA i Contemporary Art Theory from Goldsmiths, University of London as well as a BA in History of Art from University of Copenhagen.
The project is generously supported by Region Nord, Trygfonden, Statens Kunstfond, Den Jyske Kunstfond, og Huset i Hasserisgade.
Body Tongues II: Trans Rage
En separatistisk workshop for transpersoner om vrede
Igennem samtale, fælles læsning, skriveøvelser og bevægelsesaktiviteter forsøger denne workshop at skabe rum til at undersøge vrede fra et trans perspektiv. Med afsæt i både gruppens egne erfaringer og tekster af blandt andre historiker Susan Stryker spørger vi til, om vreden er en konstituerende affekt for det at være trans? Vi undersøger vrede som en både undertrykt, udskældt og privilegeret affekt. Hvordan kan vi drage omsorg for, bevæge, og bygge handling her fra?
Workshoppen er separatistisk og åben for alle, der identificerer sig som trans. Der forventes ikke et forudgående kendskab til emnet Workshoppen er todelt og vi opfordrer til at deltage i begge dage. Workshoppen foregår på engelsk.
Lørdag 30/9 kl. 13.00-16.00 Buens Bogcafe, Maren Turis Gade 12, st, 9000 Aalborg
Søndag 1/10 kl. 13.00-16.00 Huset i Hasserisgade, Hasserisgade 10, 9000 Aalborg
(oversat bio af Toro kommer snart)
Eli Ståhl er vred og transkønnet. De er interesseret i separatisme som organiseringsstrategi og har også tidligere afholdt separatistiske læsegrupper for transpersoner. De har en MA i Contemporary Art Theory fra Goldsmiths, University of London samt en BA i Kunsthistorie fra Københavns Universitet.
Projektet er støttet af Region Nord, Trygfonden, Statens Kunstfond, Den Jyske Kunstfond, og Huset i Hasserisgade.