Graphic by Kamilla Mez, 2024.

Meanwhile, senses are organised
Collaborative work collaborative work by artists YoHa - Matsuko Yokojoji and Graham Harwood, Alex/Alexandra Sofie Jönsson, Cliff Hammett, graphic designer Kamilla Mez and community workers Clara Dybbroe Viltoft and Erica Figueiredo. The project is initiated by lím collective and co-curated by ARIEL - Feminisms in the Aesthetics.
Exhibition period 3rd May - 14th May 2024
Thursday 2nd May 2024
15:00-18:00 amodk youth workshop (12-18 year olds)
18:00-20:00 Opening & Artist talk (all welcome)
Huset, Hasserisgade 10, 9000 Aalborg
Meanwhile, senses are organised is a learning space composed by the collaborative work of artists, activists, and organisers working intimately and structurally with and within systems of care. Through performative, digital, and graphic modalities, the artistic work examines invisible structures from two specific care-based environments in the UK and Denmark. The projects revolve around sensemaking in the context of complex data systems that govern for whom and how healthcare can be accessed, as well as in the context of collective cartographies of embodied knowledges of space. By way of addressing opaqueness in power structures,sensing as making sense and as a means to form agency, Meanwhile, senses are organised points to new awareness of what defines our care contexts.
In addressing central infrastructure in public healthcare systems, the artist group YoHa has developed a collective process with staff and service users at Lambeth Addictions Consortium, an addiction clinic in Brixton, UK in 2015/2016. With 'Database Addiction, Table of Tables', YoHa explores how access to patient care is hardcoded into databases that unlock or block a person's care. Often, this knowledge is embodied within service users lives but the unequal power structure normalised within the healthcare sector deems it invisible and intangible. 'Database Addiction, Table of Tables' mediates the technical data as a large visual mapping on an oversized oval conference table, underlining the inherent power that lies within the data.
The project 'atmospheric map of domestic knowledges' (amodk) is a sense based practice for people who share common space. It gives attention and image to how the atmosphere - objects, colours, architecture, and organisation of a space - is known within the body. By turning the sensations and associations that one experiences within a space into recommendations, 'amodk' can be used as a creative and social tool to open conversations about institutional spaces, such as healthcare clinics, schools, public areas, as well as private homes. The project is an ongoing exploration of experimenting with formats that has the potential for creating new grounds for conversations about space and in whose favour they work. Guided by a feminist understanding of the relationship between bodies and space in seeing that norms and practices are embodied, felt, and sentient, 'amodk' allows you to redraw a space from the senses.
A cornerstone of Meanwhile, senses are organised is how the artistic proposals form a wedge between systemic layers. Since the 1960's artists have been working exploratively and critically outside of their studios in their collective effort to place artists within wider social contexts. This work has notably pioneered formats for interventions and long-term artists engagements in governmental, public, care- and commercial institutions. In centering the process and by artistically engaging within workplace or community settings, the artists remove the focus from producing artworks. Instead, it allows for knowledge production on how artistic processes can affect the organisation or environment they work within.
Historical, material, bodily, architectural, conceptual, political, clinical, cultural, and communal aspects all have an impact on our surroundings. By bringing visibility to the motors that produce the norms in our healthcare contexts, the artistic process can instil criticality and soften our approach to healthcare.
Meanwhile, senses are organised presents collaborative work by artists YoHa - Matsuko Yokojoji and Graham Harwood, Alex/Alexandra Sofie Jönsson, Cliff Hammett, graphic designer Kamilla Mez and social workers Clara Dybbroe Viltoft and Erica Figueiredo. The project is initiated by lim collective in collaboration with Hjerterummet Blå Kors and curated together with ARIEL - Feminisms in the Aesthetics.
lím collective is an experimental platform in North Jutland, dedicated to alliances between contemporary art practice, health and care. Their programme includes artist-centred workshops to organise working conditions, exhibition moments and events, as well as artist placements and workshop activities with care communities both within and outside the health and social care sector. The platform centres curatorial formats that cultivate proximity between artistic practices and local communities. Supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, Aalborg Municipality, Region Nord, KulturKanten, Trygfonden, BUPL, Den Jyske Kunstfond and Huset i Hasserisgade.
ARIEL - FEMINISMS IN THE AESTHETICS is a nomadic platform for curating and learning.
We engage with the personal, bodily, environmental and political consequences of an unjust world and facilitate meeting points between institutions, practices and people across contexts and generations. ARIEL consists of Karen Grønneberg, Claudine Zia, Frederikke Planck Granvig and Nina Wöhlk.
Generously supported by Aalborg Municipality, the Danish Arts Foundation, Region Nordjyllands kulturpulje, Huset, Ny Carlsberg Foundation.
Udstillingsperiode: 3. maj - 14. maj 2024
Torsdag den 2. maj 2024
15:00-18:00 amodk unge workshop (12-15-årige)
18:00-20:00 Åbning & artist talk (alle er velkomne)
Huset, Hasserisgade 10, 9000 Aalborg
Meanwhile, senses are organised er et læringsrum, som viser kunstnere, aktivister og socialarbejderes undersøgelse af usynlige strukturer i sundhedssektoren i performative, digitale og grafiske formater. Fra to specifikke omsorgsbaserede miljøer i Storbritannien og i Danmark omhandler projekterne hvordan man skaber mening i kontekst af komplekse datasystemer, der styrer, hvem og hvordan sundhedspleje kan tilgås, samt i kollektive kortlægninger af kropslige erfaringer af de fysiske miljøer, som omgiver os. Ved at adressere magtstrukturers uigennemsigtighed, samt sansning som en måde at skabe mening og agens, peger “Meanwhile, senses are organised” på nye orienteringspunkter for sundhedssektoren.
I arbejdet med at adressere central infrastruktur i offentlige sundhedssystemer har kunstnergruppen YoHa udviklet en kollektiv proces med personale og brugere på Lambeth Addictions Consortium, en misbrugsklinik i Brixton, Storbritannien. Med "Database Addiction, Table of Tables" udforsker YoHa, hvordan adgang til patientpleje er indkodet i databaser, der låser op eller blokerer for en persons behandling. Oftest er denne viden indlejret i brugernes liv, men den ulige magtstruktur, der er normaliseret inden for sundhedssektoren, gør videnen usynlig og uhåndgribelig. "Database Addiction, Table of Tables" formidler de tekniske data som en visuel kortlægning på et overdimensioneret ovalt konferencebord, som understreger den iboende magt, der ligger i dataene.
Projektet Atmospheric map of domestic knowledges (amodk) er en sansebaseret praksis for personer, der er fælles om et rum. Det giver opmærksomhed til hvordan atmosfæren - genstande, farver, arkitektur og organisering af det fælles rum - føles i kroppen. Ved at omsætte de fornemmelser og associationer, man oplever i et rum til anbefalinger, kan amodk anvendes som et kreativt og socialt værktøj til at starte samtaler om institutionelle rum, såsom sundhedsklinikker, skoler, offentlige områder samt private hjem. Projektet er en løbende undersøgelse af metoder, der har potentiale til at skabe nye grundlag for samtaler om rum, samt om hvem de er til for. Guidet af en feministisk forståelse af forholdet mellem kroppe og rum og med en erkendelse af, at normer og praksisser også er kropslige og sanselige, tillader amodk dig at gentænke et rum baseret på sanserne.
Et hjørnesten i Meanwhile, senses are organised er, hvordan de kunstneriske forslag danner en kile mellem systemiske lag. Siden 1960'erne har kunstnere arbejdet med en udforskende og kritisk praksis uden for deres atelierer i kollektive bestræbelser på at placere kunstnere inden for bredere sociale kontekster. Det har været med til at forny formater for interventioner og langsigtede kunstneriske engagementer i regerings-, offentlige, pleje- og kommercielle institutioner. Ved at centrere processen og kunstnerisk engagere sig i for arbejdsrelaterede eller sociale sammenhænge, fjerner kunstnerne fokus fra at producere kunstværker. I stedet bliver resultatet, hvordan processen påvirker den organisation, de arbejder inden for.
Historiske, materielle, kropslige, arkitektoniske, konceptuelle, politiske, kliniske, kulturelle og fællesskabets aspekter har alle indflydelse på vores omgivelser. Ved at gøre mekanismer, der producerer normerne i vores sundhedskontekster, synlige, kan den kunstneriske proces indgive kritik og blødgøre vores tilgang til sundhedsvæsenet.
Meanwhile, senses are organised præsenterer kollaborativt arbejde af kunstnere YoHa - Matsuko Yokojoji og Graham Harwood, Alex/Alexandra Sofie Jönsson, Cliff Hammett, grafisk designer Kamilla Mez og socialarbejdere Clara Dybbroe Viltoft og Erica Figueiredo. Projektet er initieret af lim collective i samarbejde med Hjerterummet Blå Kors og kurateres sammen med ARIEL - Feminisms in the Aesthetics.
lím collective er en eksperimentel platform i Nordjylland, dedikeret til alliancer mellem nutidig kunstpraksis, sundhed og omsorg. Deres program inkluderer kunstnercentrerede workshops til at organisere arbejdsvilkår, udstillingsøjeblikke og arrangementer, samt kunstnerplaceringer og værkstedsaktiviteter med omsorgssamfund både inden for og uden for sundheds- og socialsektoren. Platformen centrerer kuratoriske formater, der dyrker nærhed mellem kunstneriske praksisser og lokale fællesskaber. Understøttet af Statens Kunstfond, Aalborg Kommune, Region Nord, KulturKanten, Trygfonden, BUPL, Den Jyske Kunstfond og Huset i Hasserisgade.
ARIEL - FEMINISMS IN THE AESTHETICS er en nomadisk platform for kuratering og læring. Vi engagerer os med de personlige, kropslige, miljømæssige og politiske konsekvenser af en uretfærdig verden og faciliterer mødepunkter mellem institutioner, praksisser og mennesker på tværs af sammenhænge og generationer. ARIEL består af Karen Grønneberg, Claudine Zia, Frederikke Planck Granvig og Nina Wöhlk.
Generøst støttet af Aalborg Kommune, Statens Kunstfond, Region Nordjyllands kulturpulje, Huset, Ny
Database Addiction: Tables of Tables (wood, plexiglass, infographic, 1350x4725cm) by