Graphic by Noah Holtegaard, 2024.

In/visible Interventions

Performance, screening and artist talk:

Noah Holtegaard and Del LaGrace Volcano

In/visible Interventions

Trans people simultaneously experience being invisibilized and overexposed. This complex double-bind has material consequences for our mental health, safety, and access to health care. Aalborg is home to one of Denmark’s three gender identity clinics. This clinic has a reputation for being more “progressive” than its counterparts in Copenhagen and Odense. Therefore, Aalborg has, combined with its shorter wait times, gained a particular and peculiar status as the unofficial transmedical capital of Denmark. This exhibition seeks to intervene in this context and to consider the in/visibility that trans people experience when moving through the city. 4.48 Dysphoria by Noah Holtegaard is accessed through QR-codes on posters and stickers along the routes that many trans people take in Aalborg, mapped through focus groups. Del LaGrace Volcano will perform BODIES THAT QUEER at the exhibition opening at Buens Bogcafé, Aalborg. Follow lím collective on Instagram for further information on how to access the works @lim_collective.

The project is part of the platform lím collective's exhibition programme which focuses on artistic practices and forms of self-organising through collaborations between artists and communities in contexts of health- and social care.

4.48 Dysphoria examines the pathologization of gender nonconformity and the intersections between mental illness and queerness. The piece, which is made specifically for this exhibition, is a video response to a play by Sarah Kane titled ‘4.48 Psychosis’ (ca. 1999). In the piece, Noah Holtegaard speaks directly to the deceased Kane as a way of articulating conditions that stretch across time and space. Inspired by the format of ‘4.48 Psychosis’, the video piece is divided into non-linear sequences that can be accessed in a random order. The piece is both shown as one video and as a string of clips of one-two minutes.

BODIES THAT QUEER considers queerness as performance and the queer body as performing. In a play on Judith Butler’s notion of “bodies that matter”, Del LaGrace Volcano encourages the listeners to contemplate the evaluation of the body that minoritized people experience from within as well as from others. Volcano articulates in this reading performance the power of abjection: “What does the queer body do? It performs abjection with the kind of power only those of us who are despised can acquire. It shows us how to love all that we are taught to hate.”

Noah Holtegaard is a transmasculine, non binary artist who primarily works digitally with image manipulation, 3D modelling, animation, AR (Augmented Reality) and video. In his art, Holtegaard dreams of creating a queer utopia in the digital space without the constraints of the physical realm.

Del LaGrace Volcano is a photo activist and an artist. They are considered to be one of the instigators of queer LGBTQI culture with a working practice that not only documents a ‘queer time and place’ but is also an iconic testament to the love, lust, and burning desire to defy the forces that seek to destroy, disrespect and deactivate us.

The exhibition is curated by Elias Ståhl and is made possible with kind support of IVÆRK, the Danish Arts Foundation, and Region Nord Kulturudviklingspuljen.

U/synlige interventioner

Transpersoner oplever på samme tid at blive usynliggjorte og overeksponerede. Denne komplekse selvmodsigelse har materielle konsekvenser for vores mentale sundhed, sikkerhed og adgang til sundhedsydelser. Aalborg er hjemsted for et af Danmarks tre centre for kønsidentitet. Dette center har ry for at være mere “progressivt” end de to andre, København og Odense. Kombineret med sine kortere operationsventetider har Aalborg derfor fået en særlig og lidt sær status som Danmarks uofficielle transmedicinske hovedstad. Denne udstilling er interesseret i at intervenere i denne kontekst og forholde sig til den u/synlighed, som transpersoner oplever i Aalborg, når vi bevæger os gennem byen. Noah Holtegaards 4.48 Dysphoria tilgængeliggøres gennem QR-koder, der findes på plakater og klistermærker, der følger de ruter, som mange transpersoner følger, kortlagt gennem fokusgrupper, mens Del LaGrace Volcano perfomer BODIES THAT QUEER som en del af udstillingsåbningen ved Buens Bogcafé, Aalborg. Følg lím collective på Instagram for at høre mere om, hvordan du kan tilgå værkerne @lim_collective.

Projektet er en del af platformen lím collectives udstillingsprogram, der sætter fokus på samtidskunst og selv-organisering igennem samarbejder mellem kunstnere og omsorgsfællesskaber i sundheds- og sociale kontekster. Kontakt:

4.48 Dysphoria undersøger sygeliggørelsen af kønsnonkonformitet og krydsfeltet mellem psykisk sygdom og queerhed. Værket, skabt specifikt til udstillingen, er et videosvar til Sarah Kanes skuespil ‘4.48 Psychosis’ (ca. 1999). I værket taler Noah Holtegaard direkte til den afdøde Kane, som en måde at italesætte forhold, der går på tværs af tid og sted. Inspireret af ‘4.48 Psychosis’ form er videoværket opdelt i en række ikke-lineære sekvenser, der kan tilgås i vilkårlig rækkefølge. Værket vises både som en samlet video og som en række klip af et-to minutters varighed.

BODIES THAT QUEER behandler queerhed som handling og queerkroppen som handlende. I en leg med Judith Butlers formulering om “bodies that matter”, opfordrer Del LaGrace Volcano tilhørerne til at overveje den vurdering af kroppen, som minoriserede personer oplever fra både sig selv og sine omgivelser. Volcano italesætter i denne performance-læsning den magt, der ligger i det abjekte: “What does the queer body do? It performs abjection with the kind of power only those of us who are despised can acquire. It shows us how to love all that we are taught to hate.”

Noah Holtegaard er en transmaskulin, nonbinær kunstner, der i sin kunstneriske praksis primært arbejder digitalt gennem billedmanipulation, 3D-modellering, animation, AR (Augmented Reality) og video. Holtegaard drømmer i sin kunst om at skabe en queer-utopi i et digitalt rum uden den fysiske verdens begrænsninger.

Del LaGrace Volcano er en fotoaktivistisk kunstner, anset for at være en af drivkræfterne bag queer LGBTQI-kultur med en praksis, der ikke kun dokumenterer en ‘queer tid og sted’, men som også på ikonisk vis vidner om kærlighed, begær og et brændende ønske om at overvinde de kræfter, der forsøger at ødelægge, nedgøre og deaktivere os.

Udstillingen er kurateret af Elias Ståhl og er støttet af IVÆRK, Statens Kunstfond og Region Nord Kulturudviklingspuljen. 

Documentation images by Noah Holtegaard.

Documentation images by Alex Jönsson.