Graphic design by Noah Holtegaard.

Buens Bogcafé, Aalborg, DK. December 2023

Body Tongues III: Techno_Rage is an artistic exploration of care and rage by artist and performer Sall Lam Torro in collaboration with artists and performers Fazle Shairmahomed, suziethecockroach, Keiria, and Warren Jones in a collective micro-residency on Rage.

How can we move with rage in our bodies? Is it possible to divest from capitalist, colonial and patriarchal modes that have made us internalise rage as destructive, unsafe, and undeserving of existing? Or, existing to be expressed only by certain bodies?

During a micro-residency, the collective uses performance, sound, movement, and film to explore what to do with rage in this political climate; who gets to access and perform rage - and under which conditions? In this gathering, the collective Sall Lam Toro, Fazle Shairmahomed, suziethecockroach, Keiria, and Warren Jones present their collaborative explorations of ritualizing rage in a context of political care as artistic practice, and invite the audience into their visual, performative and collective working process.

Body Tongues is an on-going project by artist Sall Lam Toro with multiple collaborators, a part of the programme Lím Artist Placement - exploring artistic work on healthcare experiences, self-organisation, community care. Former iterations include the workshops Body Tongues I and Body Tongues II: Trans Rage.

Friday 8 December 4pm-6pm

Buens Bogcafe
Maren Turis Gade 12
9000 Aalborg

Free entry and refreshments.

Any questions? Please contact us at:

The talk will be in English.

Safer space guidelines

This is a queer centred public event that prioritises the queer community and its needs. lím collective does not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other type of discriminatory language and behaviour. If you experience anything of this nature during or in relationship to one of our events, we encourage you to reach out to us at


Buens Bogcafé has 3 steps leading into the shop, and they have a moveable ramp that can be attached to the entrance, however it is a bit steep. The toilets are gender neutral but not accessible to wheelchair users due to narrow corridors and cubicles. Parking is available in nearby streets. Further questions can be directed to Buen on +45 44182742


Kindly supported by Aalborg Kommune, Danish Arts Foundation, Region Nord, Jyske Kunstfond, Nordjyske Museer, og Lindholm Høje. 

Body Tongues III: Techno_Rage er et kollektivt mikro-residency og artist talk om det kunstneriske arbejde med omsorg og raseri med kunstnere og performere Sall Lam Toro, Fazle Shairmahomed, suziethecockroach, Keiria and Warren Jones.

Hvordan kan vi bevæge os med vrede i kroppen? Er det muligt at frigøre sig fra internaliserede, kapitalistiske, koloniale, patriarkalske forståelser af vrede som destruktiv, usikker og uden eksistensberettigelse – eller kun berettiget til at eksistere i og blive udtrykt af bestemte kroppe?

Til dette offentlige event vil kunstnerne præsentere deres fælles undersøgelse af, hvordan vrede kan ritualiseres gennem kunstnerisk praksis og udforme en form for politisk omsorg, samt invitere publikum ind i deres visuelle, performative og kollektive arbejdsproces.

Body Tongues er et igangværende projekt af kunstneren Sall Lam Toro og flere samarbejdspartnere og er en del af programmet Lím Artist Placement, der udforsker kunstnerisk arbejde med sundhedserfaringer, selvorganisering og omsorg. Projektet er ligeledes omfattet af andre workshops såsom Body Tongues I og Body Tongues II: Trans Rage.

Fredag 8. december 2023 16:00-18:00

Buens Bogcafe
Maren Turis Gade 12
9000 Aalborg

Gratis entré og snacks!

Spørgsmål? Kontakt:

Samtalen kommer til at foregå på engelsk.

Safer space

Dette arrangement prioriterer queer personer og deres behov. lím collective tolererer ikke racisme, sexisme, homofobi, transfobi, ableism eller andre former for diskriminerende sprogbrug eller adfærd. Hvis du oplever nogen for diskrimination i forbindelse med et af vores arrangementer, opfordrer vi til at række ud til os på email


Der er tre trin op til Buens Bogcafé, og der er en flytbar rampe, der kan fastgøres til indgangen, den er dog lidt stejl. Toiletterne er kønsneutrale, men ikke tilgængelige for kørestolsbrugere på grund af smal gang og toileter Parkering er tilgængelig i nærliggende gader. Yderligere spørgsmål kan rettes til Buen på +45 44182742.


Støttet af Aalborg Kommune, Statens Kunstfond, Region Nord, Jyske Kunstfond, Nordjyske Museer, og Lindholm Høje.

Body Tongues Techno_Rage, micro-residency research and performative moments by Sall Lam Toro, Suzie The Cockroach, and Fazle Shairmahomed. Lindholm
Høje, Aalborg, DK, 2023. Photo: Keiria Hissabu

Body Tongues Techno_Rage, public presentation, Buens Bogcafé, Aalborg, DK, 2023. Photo: Alex/Alexandra Jönsson