Snippet from the performance Medusa is Gaia at Kunsthal NORD, Aalborg, DK, 2019. Documentation by Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen

lím artist placement, Huset i Hasserisgade, Buens Bogcafé,
Aalborg, DK, 2023

The workshop series Body Tongues by the artist Sall Lam Toro explores performance and movement as tools to investigate multimodal corporealities for trans and nonbinary people. The course consists of a series of body positive movement workshops with both conversation and somatic exercises. There will be sharing space for reflections and exchanges about experiences within the healthcare system, for example concerns, knowledge, experiences and thoughts about treatment in the wider healthcare system, CKI or Center for Sexology. The workshops depart from playful and caring somatic exercises that allow trans and non-binary people to explore new creations of the body and self in a safe, collective space facilitated by the artist.

Workshop Overview
December 8th 2023
— Body Tongues #3 Techno Rage. Read more here.
September 30th 2023
— Body Tongues #2 Trans Rage. Read more here.
April 15th-16th 2023
— Body Tongues #1. Read more here.

Zero Tolerance
lím collective has a zero tolerance policy regarding racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and ableist behaviour and language. If you experience any incidents during or related to an event, please contact the organisers at

Sall Lam Toro (they/them) (1990, PT) is an antidisciplinary multimedia performance artist based in Copenhagen. Their work evokes inter-relational decolonial, ecoerotic, cosmic and embodied manifestos that confront what they call “the hijacked body”. The hijacked body arises from the illusion of separability, and Toro often works with strategies to devise artistic interventions to unwrite and disrupt this body collectively. Through ritual, glitches, failure, dialogues with ecoerotic companions, text, resonance and e-motion, Toro develops poetic multitudes of body and radical imagination within anticapitalist, anarchist, and collective liberation modes.

Read more about Toro’s artistic practice on their webpage.

The project is generously supported by Region Nord, Trygfonden, Statens Kunstfond, Den Jyske Kunstfond, Buens Bogcafé, and Huset i Hasserisgade.

Forløbet i workshop-serien Body Tongues af kunstneren Sall Lam Toro udforsker performance og bevægelse som værktøjer til at undersøge multimodale kropsligheder for trans- og nonbinære personer. Forløbet består af en række bevægelses-workshops hvor der skabes plads til refleksion og udveksling omkring erfaringer med sundhedssystemet, f.eks bekymringer, viden, oplevelser og tanker omkring behandling i det bredere sundheds-system, CKI eller Sexologisk Center. Workshoppene tager udgangspunk legende og omsorgsfulde somatiske øvelser, som giver trans-og non-binære personer mulighed for at udforske nye tilblivelser af kroppen og selvet i et trygt, kollektivt rum faciliteret af kunstneren.

Overblik over workshops
8. december 2023
— Body Tongues #3 Techno Rage. Læs mere her.
30. september 2023
— Body Tongues #2 Trans Rage. Læs mere her.
15.-16. april 2023
— Body Tongues #1
. Læs mere her.

lím lollective
har en nultolerance over for racistisk, sexistisk, homofobisk, transfobisk og ableist adfærd og sprogbrug. Hvis du oplever nogen hændelser under eller relateret til et af vores events, bedes du kontakte arrangørerne på

(oversat bio kommer snart)

Læs mere om Toros kunstneriske praksis på deres hjemmeside.

Projektet er støttet af Region Nord, Trygfonden, Statens Kunstfond, Den Jyske Kunstfond, Buens Bogcafé og Huset i Hasserisgade.
