Documentation from a performance/dance workshop facilitated by Sandro Masai at Vrå Højskole, DK, January 2020.
lím artist placement, Aalborg, 2023
The course Movement X focuses on how moving together can support the development of youth communities. The artist creates a framework through performative and bodily methods for collectively examining health, body, and gender from the lived experience of young people. The participants work on movement patterns and choreographies with the artist during the placement, together practising ways of “moving together" to create space for new narratives, relationships, and dynamics within communities.
The time frame for the course is January-December 2023. The workshops are held in Aalborg. The course is only open to participants from partner institutions.
Sandro Masai works with durational performance, butoh and participatory performance in his practice where he investigates themes such as decolonisation, ancestry, and spirituality. He has exhibited and performed nationally and locally, i.a. at the Free Exhibition Building, Trapholt, Kunsten, and Kunsthal NORD. The artist's work is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, Aalborg Municipality's Art Foundation, and KulturKanten. Masai holds an MA in Design from Kolding Design School and a BA in Art and Technology from Aalborg University.
Read more about Masai’s artistic practice on his webpage.
The project is generously supported by Region Nord, Trygfonden, Statens Kunstfond, Den Jyske Kunstfond, og Huset i Hasserisgade.
Forløbet Movement X sætter fokus på hvordan, det at bevæge sig sammen kan understøtte og udvikle fællesskaber for unge. Igennem performative og kropslige metoder skaber kunstneren en ramme for at italesætte tematikker omkring sundhed, krop, og køn ud fra unges levede erfaring. Der arbejdes med, at deltagerne skaber bevægelsesmønstre og koreografier sammen med kunstneren under forløbet som øves og udvikles, og der eksperimenteres med hvordan det at “bevæge sig sammen” kan skabe plads til nye narrativer, relationer og dynamikker i fællesskaber.
Forløbets tidsramme er januar-december 2023. Workshoppene afholdes i Aalborg. Forløbet er kun åbent for deltagere fra samarbejdsinstitutioner.
Sandro Masai arbejder med durational performance, butoh og deltagerbaseret performance i hans praksis, hvor han undersøger temaer som dekolonialisering, herkomst, og spiritualitet. Han har udstillet og performet nationalt og lokalt bl.a. på Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Trapholt, Kunsten og Kunsthal NORD. Kunstnerens arbejde er støttet af Statens Kunstfond, Aalborg Kommunes Kunstfond, og KulturKanten. Masai har en MA i Design fra Kolding Designskole samt en BA i Kunst og Teknologi fra Aalborg Universitet.