Documentation from the Circleness installation at Roskilde Festival, DK, June 2023. Documentation by Jenny Sundby.
Alex/Alexandra Jönsson, Rikke Bogetoft,
Log Ladies, NEMA, lím collective, Roskilde Festival, 2023
Circleness is a collective study of care practices and behaviours within partying communities explored through a series of workshops with people aged 16 to 30. The workshops involve visualising practices of trust and care through circular visual and somatic exercises that inform the participants own design of care rooms and party training exercises, such as for example separatist care spaces for trans people, quiet rooms for neurodivergent party goers, training facilities for white fragility, consent-training rooms, etc. The project is based on the principles of feminist care architecture where the relationship between body, space and energy is thought of as a cornerstone for placemaking. The collective study will be built as a wooden platform on Roskilde Festival 2023 together with the construction collective Log Ladies.
Circleness is a collaboration between the artist Alex/Alexandra Jönsson who works with open source pedagogy, organisation of care, and feminist tools in their artistic practice, Rikke Bogetoftt who is a queerfeminist transdisciplinary artist and cultural worker that works with creating safer lgbt+ spaces in nightlife in North Jutland and who is also the co-founder of North Electronic Music Alliance (NEMA), as well as the construction collective Log Ladies, Roskilde Festival, and lím collective. Participating youth groups: Hjørring Gymnasium, FLOKRR, NEMA Crew Training. The project is supported by Art Hub Copenhagen, the Danish Arts Foundation, and the Roskilde Festival Foundation.
Circleness er en kollektiv undersøgelse af omsorgspraksis og -adfærd i festende fællesskaber i en række workshops med personer i alderen 16 til 30 år. Workshoppene tager afsæt i visuelle og somatiske, cirkulære tillidsøvelser, som deltagerne bruger som udgangspunkt for at designe deres egne omsorgsrum og festtræningsaktiviteter, såsom for eksempel separatistiske omsorgsrum for selvidentificerede kvinder, træningsfaciliteter for hvid skrøbelighed, samtykketræningsrum, osv. Den kollektive undersøgelse vil blive bygget i form af en træplatform på Roskilde Festival 2023 sammen med byggekooperativet Log Ladies.
Projektet er et samarbejde mellem kunstner Alex/Alexandra Jönsson, som beskæftiger sig med open-source pædagogik, organisering af omsorg og feministiske redskaber i deres kunstnerisk praksis, Rikke Bogetoft, som er en queerfeministisk, transdisciplinær kunstner og kulturarbejder, der arbejder med at skabe safer spaces i nattelivet i Nordjylland og som desuden er medstifter af North Electronic Music Alliance (NEMA), samt byggekollektivet Log Ladies, Roskilde Festival og lím collective. Deltagende ungdomsgrupper: Hjørring Gymnasium, FLOKRR, NEMA Crew Training. Projektet er støttet af Art Hub Copenhagen, Statens Kunstfond og Roskilde Festival Fonden.
Circleness is a collective study of care practices and behaviours within partying communities explored through a series of workshops with people aged 16 to 30. The workshops involve visualising practices of trust and care through circular visual and somatic exercises that inform the participants own design of care rooms and party training exercises, such as for example separatist care spaces for trans people, quiet rooms for neurodivergent party goers, training facilities for white fragility, consent-training rooms, etc. The project is based on the principles of feminist care architecture where the relationship between body, space and energy is thought of as a cornerstone for placemaking. The collective study will be built as a wooden platform on Roskilde Festival 2023 together with the construction collective Log Ladies.
Circleness is a collaboration between the artist Alex/Alexandra Jönsson who works with open source pedagogy, organisation of care, and feminist tools in their artistic practice, Rikke Bogetoftt who is a queerfeminist transdisciplinary artist and cultural worker that works with creating safer lgbt+ spaces in nightlife in North Jutland and who is also the co-founder of North Electronic Music Alliance (NEMA), as well as the construction collective Log Ladies, Roskilde Festival, and lím collective. Participating youth groups: Hjørring Gymnasium, FLOKRR, NEMA Crew Training. The project is supported by Art Hub Copenhagen, the Danish Arts Foundation, and the Roskilde Festival Foundation.
Circleness is a collaboration between the artist Alex/Alexandra Jönsson who works with open source pedagogy, organisation of care, and feminist tools in their artistic practice, Rikke Bogetoftt who is a queerfeminist transdisciplinary artist and cultural worker that works with creating safer lgbt+ spaces in nightlife in North Jutland and who is also the co-founder of North Electronic Music Alliance (NEMA), as well as the construction collective Log Ladies, Roskilde Festival, and lím collective. Participating youth groups: Hjørring Gymnasium, FLOKRR, NEMA Crew Training. The project is supported by Art Hub Copenhagen, the Danish Arts Foundation, and the Roskilde Festival Foundation.
Circleness er en kollektiv undersøgelse af omsorgspraksis og -adfærd i festende fællesskaber i en række workshops med personer i alderen 16 til 30 år. Workshoppene tager afsæt i visuelle og somatiske, cirkulære tillidsøvelser, som deltagerne bruger som udgangspunkt for at designe deres egne omsorgsrum og festtræningsaktiviteter, såsom for eksempel separatistiske omsorgsrum for selvidentificerede kvinder, træningsfaciliteter for hvid skrøbelighed, samtykketræningsrum, osv. Den kollektive undersøgelse vil blive bygget i form af en træplatform på Roskilde Festival 2023 sammen med byggekooperativet Log Ladies.
Projektet er et samarbejde mellem kunstner Alex/Alexandra Jönsson, som beskæftiger sig med open-source pædagogik, organisering af omsorg og feministiske redskaber i deres kunstnerisk praksis, Rikke Bogetoft, som er en queerfeministisk, transdisciplinær kunstner og kulturarbejder, der arbejder med at skabe safer spaces i nattelivet i Nordjylland og som desuden er medstifter af North Electronic Music Alliance (NEMA), samt byggekollektivet Log Ladies, Roskilde Festival og lím collective. Deltagende ungdomsgrupper: Hjørring Gymnasium, FLOKRR, NEMA Crew Training. Projektet er støttet af Art Hub Copenhagen, Statens Kunstfond og Roskilde Festival Fonden.
Projektet er et samarbejde mellem kunstner Alex/Alexandra Jönsson, som beskæftiger sig med open-source pædagogik, organisering af omsorg og feministiske redskaber i deres kunstnerisk praksis, Rikke Bogetoft, som er en queerfeministisk, transdisciplinær kunstner og kulturarbejder, der arbejder med at skabe safer spaces i nattelivet i Nordjylland og som desuden er medstifter af North Electronic Music Alliance (NEMA), samt byggekollektivet Log Ladies, Roskilde Festival og lím collective. Deltagende ungdomsgrupper: Hjørring Gymnasium, FLOKRR, NEMA Crew Training. Projektet er støttet af Art Hub Copenhagen, Statens Kunstfond og Roskilde Festival Fonden.